Register of merit status rams in South Dakota

By Burton Anderson for Tri-State Livestock News

Recently two Rambouillet Rams from South Dakota reached the Registered of Merit Status.  To achieve this goal a ram must compete in an approved ram test.  The ram must be in the top 10% of the rams on test.  He must have a four inch staple length, gain.60 pounds per day, have a wool micron finer than 23.7 and have nine pounds of clean fleece.  He then must sire five rams that meet these requirements.  The last time this was accomplished was in 2003.

The first ram is Erk Bros B1510-997995R raised by Erk Bros, Newell SD.  They run a range flock of 900 head and a registered flock of 300 head of Rambouillet Ewes.  Breeding stock is sold at the Newell Ram Sale, Wyoming Ram Sale in Douglas, WY and private treaty off the ranch.

The second ram is Cook Sisters 5931-999443R  bred by Cook Sisters, Glad Valley, SD.  They run a Rambouillet flock of 200 head of ewes. Breeding stock is sold at the Newell Ram Sale, the SD Sheep Growers Ewe Sale in Huron, SD and also sell private treaty off the ranch.  This ram is now owned by by Forbes, McGivney and Rabel of Kaycee, WY.  They run a flock of 300 Registered Rambouillet Ewes.  They sell at Newell Ram Sale, Wyoming Ram Sale at Douglas, WY and the  National Ram sale in Utah and private treaty off the ranch.

All three breeders use the Performance Ram Tests at Hettinger, ND and the Wyoming Test at Douglas, WY.

For more information contact the SD Rambouillet Association at 605-852-2233 or 605-430-5811.