Stallion Showcase 2025 | From the Editor

It’s been a tough year for owning horses at my place. Career-ending injuries, wire cuts, mystery bumps, mares that won’t take, juvenile warts, and any number of things you can imagine doctoring on a horse. My medicine cupboard puts my local vet to shame.   

Anyone who owns a horse knows the frustration. The highs are high and the lows are low, and one simply has to ride the waves. The funny thing is, no matter how frustrated we horse owners get, there is never a consideration to do something else.  

Most horse people are the same. We joke about all the things we could do with our money without all the bills that go with the discipline: tack, feed, vet, fuel, and so on. But it’s also unimaginable… what would we do with our weekends? Go to the lake? Heavens, no. As difficult as it can be, we wouldn’t be doing anything else.  

The truth is that horse ownership is really about people, as I’ve come to find. It’s rewarding in the extreme to win on a horse you raised, to see your student succeed in the arena, and to reach a longtime goal after countless hours practicing. But without the folks we have come to know through our horses, our lives would look very different.  

I know a married couple who met because she hired him to start a colt. Darrell Martin, owner of By A Nose timers, would never have known about the invention had he not been sitting in Alan Woodbury’s living room while at his house buying horses. Without one life-changing stallion, Sonya Walz and Chelsie Shearer would not have horses for their children to go win on. We love a good horse story, and a good people story. In this magazine, you’ll notice that they often go hand-in-hand. 

And perhaps the sale catalog you hold in your hands will be the start of your own good horse story. 

Happy bidding,  

Kaycee Monnens Cortner 

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