Kenzy: The battle begins today

The Election is over!

Trump and his team beat the Democrat Establishment.

They beat the establishment media.

Now they are up against the Establishment Republicans, captured trade associations and agencies. Americans seeking change and restoration have won nothing yet. We have survived the journey over treacherous seas to arrive at the battlefront.

The battle begins today.

We cannot forget that the establishment owns much of Congress and still controls corporate media. The strategy to restore American Freedom and Prosperity is first and foremost: Tell the truth. And tell it again. Make principled proposals. And do it again and again, until you are tired of saying it and people are tired of hearing it. Again and again until people mock you because they have given up our nations intended trajectory being corrected. The notion that “right makes might” has been nearly eradicated from the common citizen’s minds by selfish divisive leaders.

The second step of a winning strategy is to resist belittling and name calling of your enemy, I have often failed at this. The best avenue is to keep the enemy talking and let them convince the country where they stand on long held failed policies that have gutted rural America and decimated the ability of America to feed and defend itself.

The smallest cow herd in 70 years and our current status as a net food importer is the only proof you need.

Finally, I see America’s greatest challenge going forward is to bring our nations people together and export from our country those who seek power through division. Pray for peace and wisdom. Let’s get busy America!

Brett Kenzy

Gregory, South Dakota cattle producer, feeder and R-CALF USA President